Haunted Drive In Movies!
Are you ready to experience real horror in the safety of your car?
Haunted Drive In Movies are the newest cult experience for Fall 2022. Since most haunted attractions may be doomed & dark this Halloween, experience the “Dreaded” haunted drive-in for your Halloween Horror, Screams, Howls & Haunts!
OR – If you have a parking lot, HOST A DRIVE IN MOVIE NIGHT with our help!
Watch a creative curated stew of new horror films that start when your car stops at America’s first nationwide haunted drive in attraction.
We know what Scares You….
Our horror films are NEW for 2022! Multiple film anthology productions have been created from award winning filmmakers works of art. These movies are AWESOME original plot lines to entertain any crowd.
Why show & see the same Halloween, ChainSaw Massacre or Friday the 13th? Get our NEW horror films and share the Dreaded Haunted Drive-In with your crowd.
Get Out of the House, Get into Your Car and surround sound yourself in Terror.
Searching for haunted attractions near me? The “Dreaded Drive-In” haunted drive in will screen the scariest horror movies of 2022 in a neighborhood parking lot or Drive In Theater near you. Visit our map to find the closest haunted drive in event.
You can join in on the fun if you own a restaurant, shopping center, community center or Parking Lot! Host your own Dreaded Drive in with our help! Here’s how: Start a Drive In cinema of horror for Halloween.
Whatever you do, Don’t Come Alone!
This haunted drive in “The Dreaded Drive In” is ferociously original and you’re not sure what to expect, so fear the unexpected.
New Horror Movies - Watch the Dreaded Trailers:
75-minutes; Horror/Comedy; Ages 13+
Don’t come alone! Pack the car with your friends & come see an all Original Halloween Horror Film Anthology designed to deliver nightmares! It’s a night under the stars filled with award winning haunted horror short films that will grossly entertain. Not for the squeamish – you will be scared.
90-minutes; Horror/Comedy; Ages 18+
Come for the original show, but stay for the Deadly Double Feature! This ferociously original film will fill your mind with horror & creep your soul with witty & seductive entertainment. Age 18+ due to the blood, gore & violent language.

Haunted Drive In - Tickets -
buy Tickets for The Dreaded Drive-in...
Who's ready to buy TICKETS? We all are. Come get em', before there gone.....

Deadly Double Features
Deadly Double Features showing through October 2022 - Come for The Original Horror Show & Stay for the Deadly Double. BOO. Hiss, Scare. Double the fear for every car-load. Only at the Haunted Drive In cinema of horrors crossing the nation.

Dreaded Drive In garb
Be sure to pick-up one of our Dreaded T-Shirts! However, the color black does not show blood well....
- Host a Haunted Drive In Movie Event -
Own a Parking Lot?
Start a Drive-In cinema of horror:
It's NOT too late! Drive-in Theaters and Large Parking Lots NEEDED!
Host your own Dreaded Drive-In anytime through October 2022.
Show our films at your Drive-In, field or parking lot.
We can add your location to the schedule in as little as 2-days! Join the Fun of sharing a haunted drive in attraction with your community.

- DIY -
Have your own Movie Equipment?
License our Dreaded Drive In Film(s) for your own Haunted Drive In, we'll even market your event on our locations map! Great for Drive-Ins, Parks & Recreation, Businesses & More.
- Halloween Drive In Near you -
Haunted Drive In Near Me?... Don't see...
Drop us a message.
When we open a Haunted Drive-In near you,
We’ll email you a message & maybe a treat.
Crossing the nation October 2022.